RIT SG Professor Evaluations ca. 2005

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Ratings for Michael Lutz

6120023Software Engineering: extremely unfair and strict grader. You'll learn from the class, and he'll test you on what you've learned, but if you answer correctly, he'll mark it wrong. He's very defensive making him difficult to approach. I recommend Englert, definately not Lutz.
48200231-A, 12-B, 18-C, 7-D, 5-F was the grade distribution on an OPINION test. Tests were out of 50 and instead of half points or better quarter points, he took a whole point of for each thing you didn't word exactly like he did. On test two there were 10 - two blank fill-in the blank multiple choice questions, if you had the correct two and flip-flopped them or if you got one right, you still got a zero like the person who got none of the answers. Also he didn't curve in the end, and I did the most work on the project and got B whereas other team members who threw fits got an A. Not only is Lutz terrible, the class is terrible.
6520023He knows his stuff, but boy had you better learn it yourself. I had him for SE lecture (and from what I hear thank GOD I didn't have him for lab too). His lectures were interesting enough because he had some cool anecdotes from his time in industry, but I found him unapproachable outside of class. His grading on the tests was also very lopsided, even if I knew the answer to a question 100% I still got points off because I didn't phrase something how he liked (this happened on more than one occasion, so it's not like I don't have a legitimate reason for saying that). I'd recommend not taking him if you can avoid it.
5320012Lutz has no idea what's going on with his classes. Everything was a suprise to him, and as soon as he remembered something was due, he announces it like it's been there all along. Very disorganized and scatter-brained. Unless you like keeping track of your professors and making sure they do their job, steer clear of lutz.
9120012Very good professor in the department. Not very good about returning assignments but very understanding and a great help if you seek him out.
9120012One bad things other people commented about him:
'Expects you to take notes forever and doesn't release notes' - he posts notes on the web... maybe he didn't used to but he does now.

It's good to have teachers like him who are very into what they are teaching (SE design stuff in Lutz's case).

He can be kind of harsh sometimes though, but it's usually fair and productive when he does it... Something else about him is that he seems like he expects the students to be more self-motivated (including seeking him out for advice on a project / etc or reading chapters in the book to ask good questions about in class).

This is really what should happen in a good course (at least one that's for your major). The problem is just that your average student is lazy or stupid...(even at a way above avg. school, especially for computer stuff like RIT)
4820003What can I say. The guy sounds like a fat hick from the country. He is a #$&@ advisor. And he is just an all around
#$%#. You go to his office and he will just degrade you with his country hick laugh.
After seeing lutz, I definitely do not want to be a software engineer. If there is someone to fire. I strongly advise you to fire lutz. You would be doing RIT a big favor.
6820003The real problem with the Software Engineering program is dolts like Lutz who don't seem to understand that students can't take notes on 150+ slides AND catch information that the teacher says during class.

Even worse, he WON'T release his power point slides. I've asked before for them, and he wouldn't release them, or even release printed copies.

No wonder Software Engineers get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
7520003Lutz' idea of teaching is copying and pasting from the textbook and passing it off as a PowerPoint presentation.

As an advisor, he does not relate to students at all. He comes off as cold and aloof, as if he has better things to do.
9920002A really good professor with an excellent teaching style. He knows his stuff really well. Only problem is that he does not return homeworks and tests on a timely basis.
9920002Professor Lutz is one of the most dedicated teachers I have ever seen. It is amazing to hear the amount of work that was put into starting the Software Engineering program. I hope he never gets tired of telling stories from back in the day when he first started programming at a bank.
9520002Great Guy! A terrific Department Head & Professor who knows what he's talking about, and cares about his students. Take him if possible for any SE Related material.
8120002Organization is this man's biggest downfall. But he's funny in an "Office Space Milton" sort of way. A very intelligent man, and the driving force behind the SE department.