RIT SG Professor Evaluations ca. 2005

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Ratings for Steven Loar

6520023He's a good teacher, but he has mood swings every now and then... oh boy, watch out. The endless brainstorming exercises will either kill you, or make the back of your hand the most fascinating thing in the world. I don't recommend having him as a teacher.
7520023Oh steve, i'll give you what you gave me in 3D last year. I busted my ass for this class, but nothing was ever good enough. He stresses perfection, even though he is constantly saying that life isn't perfect. He's a good guy all-in-all, but watch out for the mood swings!!
8120012Great teacher, even in a class I hate, he is very helpul in thinking about everything.
9920012Steve is incredibly knowledgeable and helpful in helping one becoming a better thinker, not just in the area of 3d design. He's the best!